Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Listening Unit 6 - Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test

Listening Unit 6 - Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test

1. Audio Unit 6 - Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test
2. Transcripts Unit 6 - Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test

Part 1. Picture Description
1. (A) He's filling the boxes with shoes.
(B) The boxes are on the belt.
(C) The boxes are being stacked on the floor.
(D) The warehouse is full of people.
2. (A) The man is putting a letter in the mailbox.
(B) The mailman is emptying the mailbox.
(C) The post office is full of people with packages.
(D) The man is waiting in line at the post office.
3. (A) The woman is buying presents
(B) The woman is opening a present.
(C) The woman is making a presentation.
(D) The family is making presents.
4. (A) The posters are advertising movies.
(B) The man and woman are watching a movie.
(C) They are walking in front of a theater.
(D) There are many people in front of the theater.
5. (A) The bear is attacking the little girl.
(B) The girl is playing with her favorite doll.
(C) The man is touching the stuffed bear.
(D) He's feeding the bear some fish.
Part 2 Questions and Responses
1. What time will the meeting be out.
(A) It's at the hotel.
(B) About 4:30.
(C) We won't be there in time.
2. What is your favorite class?
(A) Evelyn is an excellent teacher.
(B) The class is very large.
(C) I like Spanish.
3. Can you write me a check?
(A) She has already checked it.
(B) I can check.
(C) No problem.
4. How do you get to work.
(A) By bicycle
(B) I've been there for almost fifteen years.
(C) It's an engineering company.
5. Where do you teach?
(A) On the subway.
(B) Only language classes.
(C) At a language institute.
Part 3 Short Conversations
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation
M: Do you think we should come back from the conference a day early?
W: What for? As long as we're there, we might as well stay for the weekend.
M: You're right. Let's try to make the most of it. I've never been to New York before.
W: After the conference, we can take a guided tour of the city, too.
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following conversation
M: Based on our interview yesterday, I would like to offer you a job in our company.
W: That's great news,Mr. Morrison, When do I start?
M: You'll have to sign the contract first, but you should be able to start next week.
W: I finish my current job this Friday, so that would be great.
Part 4 Short Talk.
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following introduction.
M: Tonight we are pleased to present this award to Johnny West, composer of the extremely popular song " Tuming To you""
Over the past fourteen years, Mr. West has written over forty-three hits and has been honored as one of the most innovative
composers of our generation. In addition to these honors, he has been the featured artist on the soundtracks for several
movies in the past five years. Ladies and gentleman, please give a big round of applause for Johnny West!
Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following report
W: Since early last evening, a fire has been spreading in the East Mountains. This fire has grown out of control in the last
three hours as firefighters try to contain it. City officials are calling on members of the East Mountains police force to
help by communicating important radio announcements to the residents of Timberfalls to ensure that all residents can safety
evacuate the area. The fires started when a tree was hit by lightning during a storm late yesterday afternoon.
3. Answer key Unit 6 - Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test

Part 1
1. (B) The boxes are on the belt.
2. (A) The man is putting a letter in the mailbox.
3. (B) The woman is opening a present.
4. (C) They are walking in front of a theater.
5. (C) The man is touching the stuffed bear.
Part 2
1. (B) About 4:30
2. (C) I like Spanish.
3. (C) No problem
4. (A) By bicycle
5. (C) At a language institute.
Part 3
1. (A) Plans for after a conference
2. (C) Leaving early
3. (D) Take a tour.
4. (C) To offer her a job.
5. (A) Next week.
6. (D) At the end of this week.
Part 4
1. (A) Musician
2. (C) Fourteen years.
3. (B) Soundtracks.
4. (B) Yesterday evening
5. (C) Evacuate the area.
6. (B) A storm.
Listening Unit 7 - Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test
Book Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test

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